April 28, 2023

Thanks for stopping by Hummel Wellness. We’ll be up and running here more frequently shortly!!! We’re just getting our ducks in a row after taking a little pause and have some exciting announcements coming soon….

This blog will be offering content geared towards individuals looking to make healthier choices in their busy lives, my experiences managing autoimmune & chronic illness and insight on creating wellness in the music industry. As food, health and music are big passions over here.

I’ve had a career in the music industry for almost 20 years, which encompassed many late nights, lots of traveling, crazy schedules, not always a lot of healthy food options available on the go and not a lot of down time.

Along the way, I’ve had to learn some hard lessons on how to make my health a bigger priority and strive to find a work/life balance. As I’ve gotten older and was essentially forced to stop and take a real look at my life almost 10 years ago with having several major autoimmune and chronic illness flare ups knock me down, my perspective on what I valued, made me then prioritize accordingly.

After some major career changes and prioritizing my wellness, I’m grateful I can say I have a job I love and find rewarding, but no longer at the price of my health.  I have a family now and need to be a present partner. I work as much as my body and mind can handle and I set healthy boundaries, plan ahead when traveling and create time for myself to rest.

Join me on my personal journey towards conquering autoimmune & chronic illness, with diaries of my experiences, products & places I’ve discovered, recipes and tips/tricks to making healthier choices at home & when traveling.

As well as check back for my tips on “How To Manage Healthy Living in The Music Industry” with will feature music industry workers, musicians and guest contributors!

Sign-up to the newsletter for fun contests, giveaways & more…

And before you leave hop over to our CALENDAR OF EVENTS to find out where I will be speaking and/or events I support/will be attending that you may want to check out.

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