7:00pm – Group Conversation
8:00pm – Stretch | Workout | Yoga
Stepping away from the excitement and beauty of music is an extensive and intense industry that can be incredibly taxing on an individual. This installment of #MusicTalks event is a focused on mental health, wellness and physical well-being for those working in the demanding industry. The event starts with a discussion that brings together representatives from the UNISON Benevolent Fund, Hummel Wellness, Fit On Tour, Full Body Efficiency Treatment and local musicians. Discussions will cover a wide variety of topics including how to live a balanced life, looking after yourself mentally/physically and preparing yourself for the challenging hours and work you face in the music industry as many of the jobs in the music business work outside the traditional 9 – 5pm.
Musicians work can be very isolating at times and is noted as having one of the highest depression rates in the workforce. These issues are then amplified by working long hours and in many cases isolation. Finding ways to cope can be difficult and many music industry professionals. Often times they lack a support network or employee benefits that are readily available through many traditional employeers. Opening the conversation about these issues and how to overcome will be a central theme. The goal of this workshop is to assist in finding a balanced approach to life that enables music sector workers to succeed and find longevity in the business.